The entrance test consists of 170 questions distributed over six sections. For each section, candidates will get separate time period with the total time for the entire test being 3 hours. The questions test the abilities of Analytical Reasoning Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Verbal skills.
The questions are multiple-choice based and each question is followed by four possible answers numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4. One has to choose the correct or best answer from the given four choices and darken the corresponding oval in the answer sheet in case of paper-pencil test. However, in case of an online test, the candidate has to click on the number in CBT version.
ATMA is designed as a standardized test with high quality and academic rigor which determines a candidate's relative position in the whole test pattern. Each candidate is advised to proceed through the test at an even pace, skipping the more difficult questions, wherever necessary, and expect not to answer all questions, within the specified time frame. However, one can always go back to the difficult questions left unanswered later on, but within the time specified for each section. Candidates are advised to review their answers in each section within the time limit given for that section.