Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test (HPCPMT) is conducted by Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, for admissions into medical courses.


Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test (HPCPMT) is an entrance examination for admission to medical courses in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The examination is conducted for admissions to bachelor’s degree programs in medical and dental courses. After qualifying in the entrance test, candidates can seek admission to MBBS/BDS programs in various medical and dental institutes that are affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University, which conducts the exam. Admission to the courses is subject to reservation policy adopted by the university.


The entrance test is conducted for the following courses:

Himachal Pradesh University conducts Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Entrance Test (HPCPMT), every year. The test is conducted for the admission of the students in various undergraduate programs in the fields of medical and dental sciences of …

Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Entrance Test (HPCPMT) is conducted for admission in various branches of medical and dental sciences, conducted by Himachal Pradesh University. These courses are imparted at the undergraduate degree level. All …

The aspirants, who are seeking admission in undergraduate programs in the fields of medical and dental sciences of Himachal Pradesh University, have to appear in Himachal Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Entrance Test (HPCPMT). The University conducts …

Contact Address

Himachal Pradesh Combined Entrance Test Cell
Himachal Pradesh University
Summer Hill
Phone: +91-177-2830273, 2830434, 2830445, 2830614
Fax: +91-177-2830775
Email: himvarsity1@gmail.com
Website: www.hpuniv.nic.in
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