E.N.T. (Ear Nose Throat) is a branch of medical science, which deals with the problems related to ear, nose, throat, head and neck of human body. This field of medicine primarily deals with allergies, infections and disorders related to ear, nose or throat. ENT specialists perform surgeries on face, voice box and find cure for any hearing problem. The specialists can also diagnose throat cancer, thyroid cancer and laryngomalacia. MD (ENT) is a three-year Post Graduate degree programme. Any MBBS doctor who has graduated from a recognized institution thereto by Medical Council of India or its equivalent is eligible to enroll into MD (E.N.T.) programme.
To get admission in the Post graduate degree course, one has to score well in entrance exam, which may be conducted at the state or national level, which may vary from one university to the other After the completion of the MD (E.N.T.), one can work as a research fellow in any medical college or hospital. He/she can also work as a senior doctor at any public or private hospital, another option is to work as an independent practitioner. Here, we have given the list of colleges that offer MD (ENT) course in India.
To get admission in the Post graduate degree course, one has to score well in entrance exam, which may be conducted at the state or national level, which may vary from one university to the other After the completion of the MD (E.N.T.), one can work as a research fellow in any medical college or hospital. He/she can also work as a senior doctor at any public or private hospital, another option is to work as an independent practitioner. Here, we have given the list of colleges that offer MD (ENT) course in India.