Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI) in Noida is a premier design college in India, offering courses in the field of design.

Footwear Design & Development Institute

Footwear Design & Development Institute, Noida (FDDI), was founded in 1986. It is one of the top design institutes in India, dedicated to training manpower for footwear and allied industry. The institute offers long term, short term, customized/ on-site training programmes as well as distance education courses in the field of design. Footwear Design & Development Institute gives emphasis on imparting practical knowledge. The course syllabi are in modular form, broken down into hours and modules.
FDDI Noida is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). The International Testing Laboratory of FDDI has got the approval of several established international names in the design industry. The college boasts of being the first training institute in India to achieve the very prestigious ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications. The institute provides state-of-the-art facilities to its students. FDDI has a Common Facility Center in Bangalore, CAD Center in Chennai and a Satellite Center in Mumbai.

Affiliated to: All India Council for Technical Education


Three-year undergraduate diploma
  • Fashion Merchandising & Retail Management (DFMRM)
  • Footwear Technology (DFT)
  • Leather Goods & Accessories Design (DLGAD)

One-year Diploma
  • Retail Sales Management (DRSM)
  • Supervisory course in Footwear Technology (SFT)
Six-month Diploma
  • Footwear Manufacturing Technology (FMT)

Post Graduate Diploma:
PG Diploma (PGD- two years)
  • Creative Designing & CAD-CAM (PGDCD)
  • Retail Management (PGDRM)
  • Footwear Technology & Management (PGDFTM)
  • Leather Goods & Accessories Design (PGDLGAD)
  • Visual Merchandizing & Communication Design (PGDVM&CD)

To pursue undergraduate diploma course in the institution, a candidate must have passed 10+2 level examination, from a recognized Board. Candidates appearing in 10+2/ intermediate are also eligible to apply.

For both one-year and the six month diploma courses, the candidate is required to have passed 10+2, from a recognized Board.

Post Graduate Diploma:
For Post Graduate Diploma in Creative Designing & CAD/CAM (PGDCD), any graduate are eligible to apply, but BFA graduates are preferred. For other courses, candidates who have done graduation in any discipline or Diploma in Leather/ Footwear Tech. / Engineering are eligible to apply. In all the cases, candidates appearing in final year may also apply.
Admission Procedure:

Candidates are selected on the basis of a written test, followed by their performance in Group Discussion/Creative Ability Test & Personal Interview (GDPI). The admission procedure comes under All India Selection Test (AIST).

Candidates opting for both one-year and six-month diploma courses are selected on the basis of their performance in an entrance test.

Post Graduate Diploma:
Candidates who are going to apply for Post Graduate Diploma will have to undergo All India Selection Test (AIST). Thereafter, short-listed candidates are then called to attend group discussion, followed by personal interview/ creative ability test interview.
  • Placement Cell
  • Common Facility Center
  • Wi-Fi Internet Connectivity
  • Workshops
  • Hostel
  • Library
  • Computer Centre

Contact Address:
Footwear Design & Development Institute
FDDI Headquarters
A - 10 / A, Sector - 24
Gautam Budh Nagar
Noida - 201 301, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: +91-120-4500100
Fax: +91-120-2412556, 2411301