A complete and updated resource of top colleges & educational institutes in Bhind
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Colleges in Bhind
Bhind city has a number of colleges, which provide a great platform for higher education in the field of engineering, arts and social science, law, commerce, medical science, journalism etc. Here is a complete and updated information on various colleges in Bhind city.

B I P S Institute of A N M Training Centre
Ch Dilip Singh Nursing College
Chaudhary Dileep Singh Law College
Government Gandhi College Bhind
Government MJS Mahavidyalaya
Jagmohan Institute of Nursing
Mratunjay Mahila Swasthya Karyakarta Trg Centre
Mratyunjay Nursing Mahavidyalaya
Naval Kishor Shivhare Nursing College
Patiram Shivhare School of Nursing
RLD Nursing School