Examination Pattern For EMAT Exam

Examination Pattern for EMAT Exam

Electronic Management Aptitude Test (EMAT) is conducted by Edexcel Educational Services Private Limited, which is led by experienced people in management services. It is an online entrance test conducted every year for those students who are seeking their admission in business management and Web Technology courses. The aptitude test is conducted at various cities across India, at selected Reliance Web world stores.
Examination Patten
Electronic Management Aptitude Test is formatted to examine the skills and knowledge of the candidates in the relevant fields. The examination pattern of the aptitude test is given in the following lines.
EMAT contains multiple choice type questions. There are four options available for each question in which the candidates have to find out the right answer.
There are 45 questions in the aptitude test which expected to be answered by the candidates within an hour.
All the questions in the E-MAT test comprise of:
  • Language comprehension
  • Mathematical skills
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Intelligence and critical reasoning
  • Awareness of Indian & Global Economy
All the questions and instructions are only in English Medium.
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